A 12-month trauma-informed certification to transform your life and the lives of those you serve.

This comprehensive professional training will take you on your own personal healing journey while equipping you with the tools to become a confident leader, healer, and coach. You’ll learn to guide women to rise up, experience inner wholeness, and find profound connection with their body, sexuality and spirit.

Through a blend of theoretical wisdom, hands-on therapeutic training, and soul-led business immersion, HEARTH will prepare you to create deep impact, financial freedom, and a life aligned with your purpose. 


Sexuality shapes every dimension of human existence — our creativity, our power, our connection to life itself. It fuels our evolution, drives our relationships and informs how we move through the world. For centuries, women have been separated from this vital force, shamed for even expressing it. The time has come to reclaim it.

Become the woman who leads the future of transformation

Imagine a world where your work feels intuitive yet catalytic — a direct extension of who you are at your core colliding with the driven, ambitious leader and expert you are in your work. This is the definition of being a living embodiment of the transformation you teach.

This is a 12-month immersion designed for women ready to lead the next wave of authentic, nuanced, and trauma-informed women’s healing and sexuality work. This is where science, somatics, sexuality and spirit converge to create a paradigm shift in how we heal, connect and thrive.

Because the world doesn’t need more practitioners. It needs real leaders.

Sexuality pulses at the core of existence.

Sexuality is the raw creative force that shapes cultures, drives evolution, and colours every dimension of life. Yet for centuries, women have been severed from our vital power, we’ve been taught to view our sexuality as small, contained, limited to the bedroom. Something to be ashamed of, or worse, fearful of.

We know the truth runs deeper. Our sexuality flows as the current beneath all creativity, all intuition, all power to shape and create life. When women reconnect with this force, they access not just pleasure, but their fundamental capacity to generate, to express, to heal, to lead, to transform.

Hearth’s 12-month immersion prepares you, through your own healing and practical integration, to guide women through this profound reconnection, too. You'll master both the scientific precision and sacred wisdom required to work with sexuality as the transformative force it truly is — the power that, as poet Robert Bly described, acts as "the humming in the beehive that keeps the whole thing together."


The core of women's power (and therefore women’s wellness & healing work)  

The pelvic bowl is more than simple physical anatomy — it carries the stories of generations, the wounds of centuries, our traumas, our pain and the seeds of liberation. Through HEARTH's unique integration of therapeutic and physiological approaches, you'll learn to:  

  • Guide women in awakening their raw creative force — the power that fuels art, leadership, and cultural change
  • Navigate the deep psychic territories of feminine sexuality — from ancestral wounds to embodied freedom
  • Master the delicate art of working with sexual energy as a catalyst for transformation and get real-world practice on holding space for that kind of deep healing and transformation
  • Build containers strong enough to hold both the ecstasy and the shadow of feminine sexual healing and awakening

This work demands practitioners who can hold complexity — who understand that feminine sexuality encompasses both the darkest wounds and the brightest possibilities for healing. Through HEARTH, you'll become such a practitioner.


“I just think that HEARTH is for every woman that has had questions about “what else is out there for me?”, “I know I have this fire in me and I am not tending to it right now”. And it can grow! I just feel like there are so many wonderful souls that are dancing around this container, thinking about joining, and I just want to tell you to say YES! You're not going to regret it. You're going to learn so much about yourself and about other women and how to be this light and this guide. You have the capabilities, and HEARTH can be the guide to really take you there.”

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- Valerie

“I remember thinking “Oh my gosh, that is quite a big amount of money that is coming out of my traveling funds, that could essentially be six months or so of traveling. And so for me, that was something I had real resistance to, especially as someone who has always liked to have savings in her account. But I also trusted that that money was in my account because this was what it was for. I think HEARTH has really helped me to trust that in a way where it’s like: You’ll always have what you need to work with.”

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- Bec

“I really value the multidimensional aspect of this training and diving deep into all the different layers. It’s not just straight into sexuality, rather it encompasses the whole complexity of what it is to be a woman; from the mind, into the emotions, into the sensations and feelings. At the same time embracing the spiritual and shamanic: journeying into different realms and time and space dimensions, alongside the very practical and physical. It speaks to me because it feels really whole.”

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- Alex

“I've always been someone who is searching for the depths of human experience and the richness that life has to offer and HEARTH feels like a really potent way into that as being really multi-facetted and rich and deep and expansive and transformative. And to get to share that work with others and watch other people go through that process is so incredibly rewarding. It's therapeutic in nature, which I love. You're watching people heal in front of your eyes. But it's also really rooted in more spiritual, shamanic, earthy practices that don't feel clinical. They're really experiential and somatic and for me that's what makes a transformative experience."

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- Jasmine

The pain you know intimately

The women drawn to HEARTH feel this in their bones:

  • The ache of untapped potential — feeling called to offer deeper, more transformative work yet lacking the complete framework to bring it to life

  • The frustration of fragmented training — having collected various certifications and modalities, yet sensing the need for a comprehensive approach that brings it all together

  • The weight of working with women's wounds, traumas, deepest potential without adequate tools to facilitate true, lasting healing

  • The disconnect between the sacred depth of this calling and the surface-level ways healing work is often presented and marketed in the world of wellness — and a desire to do things differently

  • The challenge of translating spiritual gifts into sustainable success — whether you're building your first practice or elevating an existing one

  • The late-night questioning of whether you're "qualified enough" to guide others through territories you're still exploring yourself

  • The knowledge that your work is world-shifting, knowing that you could hold space for big conversations and even bigger transformations that move culture forward — but struggling to translate that effectively into an ROI that nurtures you as much as your potential clients and communities

You’ve seen the toll disconnection takes — on your clients, on yourself, on the world. Where our culture sits at this exact moment is crucial for women like us. People are craving leaders who can hold nuance, create safety, and guide them back to the wisdom of their bodies.

HEARTH is for women who refuse to meet this moment halfway.


The real work begins in the dark

HEARTH practitioners understand that true transformation requires descent. We guide women through the shadows of their being — the buried stories, the ancestral wounds, the forgotten power. Through this journey into the depths, we access something remarkable — a sexuality so vast it transcends the bedroom and becomes the creative force that colours every aspect of life, a deep embodied wisdom so profound that it impacts every area of our work.

Our work honors the full spectrum of feminine experience. We meet women in their darkness and their light, their blood and their bliss, their death and their rebirth. This is how real, lasting transformation occurs. Most practitioner trainings or “sex work” can do one or the other — the knowledge without the integration — the light without the dark. But you need it all for a richer, more nuanced and long-lasting understanding.


We are living in a time of radical shift

  • People are investing with greater intention, more slowly, seeking practitioners who embody the transformations they promise

  • We no longer accept surface-level solutions to century’s deep problems. And, for that reason, we’re looking for the kind of service providers, practitioners and support systems that understand and can articulate that depth, nuance and context. The people who have LIVED the healing, and held others through it too

  • Marketing is no longer just a channel for making sales — it requires building belonging, community, integrity, and depth. It’s an opportunity to do work that changes your life right alongside the communities you serve

  • Women’s healing and sexuality work is evolving, finally, we’re moving beyond intellectual frameworks alone into somatic, embodied connection. We’re moving from “knowing” to “being” from “learning” to “living”

And, you already know, but I’m going to say it: we’re not the ones following these shifts — we’re the ones leading them.

Over 12 months, you will become a person who transforms each and every person you serve, whether in your wider audience or the people you work with. You’ll step into your power as a trauma-informed, women’s sexuality & wellness practitioner, confident guide, and magnetic leader in a new era of women’s wellness.


Rooted in the sacred and the sensual

At the heart of HEARTH lies an ancient truth… a woman’s deepest power lives within her body — specifically, in the pelvic bowl and her creative force is always in direct relationship with her sexuality. Which is where true healing and liberation lie. Our ancestors revered this wisdom, and recognised the pelvic bowl and a woman’s sexuality as a portal to vitality, creativity, and pleasure. Over generations, this sacred connection has been stripped away by shame, commodification, and disconnection.

This training reclaims that wisdom.

As a HEARTH Practitioner, you’ll guide women back to themselves — back to the intimate relationship with their own body and spirit. Through somatic and spiritual practices, you’ll go on to your own depths, safely, so that you can help your clients shed layers of societal conditioning, release stored emotions and trauma, and reconnect with the pleasure and sovereignty that have always been their birthright.

Nothing about Hearth is surface-level. It has been meticulously designed to help you access and understand the multidimensional complexity of what it means to be a woman:

  • The emotions carried in the body.
  • The sensations and energy stored in the pelvic bowl.
  • The spiritual, shamanic, and ancestral wisdom waiting to be rediscovered.
  • The blocks in access to sexuality and pleasure — and how we must first go to the depths of our own healing to access them.

By teaching clients how to safely engage in self-touch and somatic awareness, you’ll empower them to step into a lifelong practice of healing and wholeness — one that is autonomous, sustainable, ethical and deeply liberating.

Through HEARTH, you will learn to hold space for these transformations and you’ll embody them yourself. This is the kind of work that doesn’t just change lives — it redefines what it means to be truly alive.


The HEARTH Transformation

Your journey through HEARTH transforms every dimension of your work and being:

In your work

You guide women through the territories of their deepest power. Watch as a client who has lived disconnected from her vital force awakens to her full creative potential. Witness her rediscovering pleasure as more than physical sensation — as the current that energises her entire life.


In your practice

Your work becomes evidence for women ready for profound transformation, that what they want is possible. Build a practice where every client interaction draws from the well of real wisdom — earned through your own journey of embodiment. Create offers that honour the full spectrum of sexuality, from shadow to light and create abundance by working at the depth this moment demands.

In your being

Embody the integration of sexuality, power and purpose. Move through the world as a woman fully connected to her vital force. A world where your presence alone communicates the possibility of transformation — not through performative leadership, but through the magnetic power of a woman living in full connection with her creative essence and deep healing.

In your leadership

Guide the cultural conversation around women's sexuality and power from a place of grounded wisdom. Create spaces where the deepest healing naturally unfolds. Build communities where women remember their primal power and learn to wield it with precision and purpose.



The Education

HEARTH’s curriculum is a meticulously designed journey that spans 12 months, structured into six chapters, each containing two modules. This training is designed to move you through increasingly sophisticated layers of understanding, embodiment, and practice.

And, it was designed to match the depth of its promise:

  • Rooted in somatic intelligence and cutting-edge neuroscience
  • Grounded in the sacred, intuitive practices that connect us to our primal selves
  • Anchored by trauma-informed frameworks that prioritise safety, regulation, and long-term integration

Chapter One. Body, Base, and Home

The nervous system is the gateway to healing, and this is where we begin. Here, you’ll uncover the intricate relationship between stress, hormones, and sexuality. By understanding how dis-ease manifests in the body — often through subtle signs like emotional "armour" or through physiological patterns & symptoms — you’ll learn to hold space for profound transformation.

Chapter Two. Liberation, Joy, and The Power of Womanhood

Womanhood is a rite of passage — a journey through first blood, blossoming, motherhood, ageing, and death. This rite of passage is one we’re often robbed of. This chapter invites you to rewrite your story and transform wounds into glory, to reclaim your relationship with your body, intimacy, and power.

Chapter Three. Medicine of the pelvic bowl

The pelvic bowl is a map of a woman’s history — physically, emotionally and energetically. This chapter invites a deep relationship with this sacred space and teaches you how to help clients reconnect with their life force, heal long-held traumas, and reclaim their inner wisdom (all while you go through this work with and for yourself).

Chapter Four. Sexuality as Medicine

This is where everything shifts. We’ve been taught that sex is about performance, about doing — but here, you’ll learn that sexuality is about being. It’s about creation, healing, and experiencing the full spectrum of your humanity. This chapter is an unlearning of everything you’ve been told about sex and a reclaiming of its transformative power.

Chapter Five. Creating Transformational Client Journeys

By this point, you’ll have a treasure trove of tools, have experienced deep, personal breakthroughs and understand the intricacies of women’s work, specifically women’s sexuality, better than almost anyone — but how do you weave them together into the work you do with others, in a way that feels cohesive, impactful, and true to you? This chapter is where we turn everything you’ve learned into transformational journeys for your clients, whether in a single session or a six-month container.

Chapter Six: The Live Business Mastermind


You’ve done the deep work. Now it’s time to take it into the world. This chapter is where you learn the real nuts and bolts of what it takes to build a business that doesn’t just support your life — it reflects your soul. You’ll learn to bring everything you’ve gained in HEARTH into your offers, your leadership, and your impact.

What you’ll shift through the combination of self-paced, module-based learning & hands-on, outcome-based coaching & training inside HEARTH

Awaken vital force

Your personal exploration of sexuality as life force allows you to guide others in awakening this primal power. You understand how this energy moves through body, psyche, and spirit and colours every aspect of existence, once you go through this kind of liberation — it’s impossible not to share it in your work.

Guide your clients through life-changing somatic journeys

Learn to lead women to release lifetimes of shame, trauma, and disconnection stored in their bodies, and empower them (as you continually empower yourself) to step into their vitality, pleasure, and sovereignty.

Hold the sacred dark

Your own journey through shadow work enables you to guide others with a steady presence. You learn to create containers strong enough to hold rage, grief, ancestral pain — knowing these gateways lead to the deepest liberation. You develop the rare ability to hold space that truly transforms. Through rigorous practice, being deeply held by your course-mates and practitioners and the deep personal work we walk with you through, you learn to also create containers where profound healing naturally unfolds.

Feel deeply rooted in your confidence as a practitioner

Master the tools, techniques, and intuitive skills that allow you to hold space for profound transformations with integrity and precision, which compounds profoundly in self-growth & business development at once.

Become a leader who embodies the work they teach

Let go of self-doubt and imposter syndrome as you ground yourself in the wisdom of your body and the alignment of your values. This is probably the most impactful shift any practitioner can make in their business. There is no better social proof for the power of the work you do than the embodiment of it within you.

Learn to hold complexity and nuance in every conversation

Navigate challenging client dynamics, tough topics, diversity of thought and big transformations with grace and authenticity and cultivate self-leadership as a practice to guide your clients back home to their own truths – the only safe way to create spaces where real healing happens. Beyond intellectual understanding, you develop an embodied wisdom that reads the subtle languages of the nervous system.

Teach clients to reclaim their bodies and their autonomy

Quite possibly the most important work of our time. As more and more human beings worldwide are stripped of their bodily autonomy and more of our existence is brought into question, it’s up to the priestesses of this movement to lead women back home to their own ancestral truths. Empower women to heal themselves with tools for self-touch, body-based awareness, and practices that inspire a lifetime of connection and wholeness.

Redefine success on your
own terms

Step away from outdated models of people-pleasing, chronic self-sacrifice and constant second-guessing in your business – that only leads to deeper disconnect to your own work and your own body. Step into a reality where your work is guided by purpose, impact, and the freedom to live life fully.

I'm ready


“HEARTH helped me to first see where I want to go with my business but it also has expanded my inner world. I have met the depths of myself. I have come to really understand that there are so many ways to connect to my sexuality and to channel her through the world in a healthy way. It made me really understand how I can flow in life and be a woman and be a goddess and be a boss and be a sacred slut and be a mother. I arrived to be able to channel all this energy in every aspect of my life.  

The biggest gift I have received through HEARTH is all the tools that are now in my hand, all the knowledge. We really took the time to dive in so many different subjects. I have this big magical bag with me everywhere I go, and I just need to pick up and share it.”

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- Eva

“I think part of me was scared that I would start the course and then I would be taking all of this information and learning it but then I wouldn’t be the kind of person that can actually put it into practice.

But I’ve got so many gifts and so many incredible things that I’ve learned about myself. It's literally changed my whole image. And actually finding my voice and finding who I am as a practitioner because that was so alien to me when I started. I’d never really taken that role of leader or practitioner, so finding that in myself has felt really fun and I loved it.” 

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- Anna

“Grace has been an inspiration for me for many years, and I really appreciate her realness and authenticity….she beats to her own drum…it’s like she’s a channel for this work, for the feminine, and you can tell from the way she teaches that it’s coming from the soul, that it’s anchored.”

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- Andy

“Spending this kind of money on myself was such a huge liberation! The moment I clicked pay…I knew I had invested in myself. I knew that I wanted to make sure I had the best foundation possible so I can thrive.”

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- Laura

This is just the beginning.

Imagine in 12 months time when you...

Notice that you are guiding, creating, and leading with effortless confidence - not because you have to, but because it feels like the most natural expression of who you are.

Trust the wisdom of your body and the integrity of your work.

Have built a practice that not only changes lives but reflects the freedom, abundance, and joy you once dreamed of for yourself.

Step into rooms with a presence that speaks louder than words.

No longer question your place, your voice, or your impact — because you’ve become the woman who embodies the transformation she offers.

Grace Hazel

Who This Is For?

HEARTH is for women who:

  • Feel the disconnect between their work and their deeper calling
    You’ve built something good, but you know there’s more. You’re ready to step into a practice that aligns with your soul’s purpose and creates lasting impact for your clients.
  • Want to lead with confidence, clarity, and nuance
    You’re done second-guessing your voice, your message, and your capacity to create change. You want to hold space for big conversations and life-altering transformations without shrinking back.
  • Crave a relationship with your body that feels like home
    You know your body holds the key to deeper wisdom, pleasure, and vitality. You’re ready to stop pushing and start listening, trusting your body’s cues as a guide to your most powerful work.
  • Are exhausted by surface-level marketing and transactional gimmicky tactics
    You dream of running a business that feels as authentic as it is abundant. You’re done with the hustle and want to build something sustainable, values-driven, and deeply satisfying.
  • Long to guide others in breaking free from shame and disconnection
    You see how trauma, cultural conditioning, and self-doubt hold women back from their full potential and experiencing the depths of their full sexuality — and you feel called to lead them through a process of reclamation and healing, now more than ever.
  • Are ready to take up space unapologetically
    Whether it’s stepping into visibility, hosting sold-out retreats, or owning your authority in your field, you’re ready to move beyond fear and fully inhabit the leader you know you’re meant to be.
  • Value the balance of intellect and intuition
    You’re drawn to the idea of blending ancient practices with modern science, creating a healing approach that is both grounded in evidence and deeply spiritual.
  • Are willing to go first
    You know that leading others begins with your own evolution. You’re prepared to confront your fears, shed old patterns, and embody the transformation you’re here to guide in others.


The HEARTH Investment


ÂŁ925/month for 12 months / ÂŁ11,099 pay-in-full.


ÂŁ624/month for 12 months OR

ÂŁ7,499 pay in full (save ÂŁ3,600)

Your investment includes:

  • The recorded HEARTH curriculum, education, tools and practices.
  • 12 months of live teaching and hands-on, guided practice.
  • Bi-weekly 1:1 support calls with a team dedicated to your growth.
  • Live classes to support your development on everything from wealth management and generation to sexuality and how to support deep transformation in others
  • Coaching and mentorship from women who have been through this very curriculum and are already experiencing the benefits in their own businesses and lives.
  • Coaching time with me, every single month (twice a month, for 11 months). I will tell you everything I know that has changed my business and the lives of my clients.
  • Lifetime access to somatic and business resources (including Your Business as BIG As Your Soul Knows it to be and WELLSPRING)
  • A community of women redefining what leadership looks like.


Meet Me and the HEARTH Team

I’m Grace, and I’ve spent the last decade absorbed in the transformational work of guiding women back to their bodies. I’ve spent that decade learning from some of the best teachers, models and curriculums on the planet. Everything from science and biology to the spiritual connection of our pelvic bowl to our voice, hearts and minds. There is no study I haven’t explored. No level of depth I am not willing to go. I never teach anything I haven’t myself experienced, learned, embodied and seen the evidence of.

Through retreats, workshops, and 1:1 sessions, I’ve helped thousands of women reclaim their power, vitality, and pleasure by reconnecting with the wisdom of their pelvic bowls.

But HEARTH is not just my journey — it’s the movement we’re creating together. It’s the women that have gone through this curriculum over the last two years and have become just as enamored with the work as I have. It’s a collective movement toward better healing, deeper pleasure, trauma-safe care and powerful female leadership – so that anyone assigned female at birth can get the right support and healing they need to thrive in our current culture.

When you join HEARTH, you’re enrolling in a training that has been a decade in the making and you’re stepping into a community of experts, mentors, and peers who are as dedicated to your success as you are. My team and I are here to walk beside you every step of the way.

What you’ll GAIN from our coaching together, in your own work


Our work goes far beyond teaching techniques. Together, we’ll help you:

  • See yourself as the leader you’ve always been
    You’ll shed the imposter syndrome and self-doubt and replace them with grounded confidence that radiates in every interaction.
  • Develop an unshakeable trust in your intuition
    Learn to balance intuitive decision-making with practical, strategic action, so you always feel aligned in your work and your leadership.
  • Expand your capacity for nuance and complexity
    Through deep coaching, you’ll learn to hold conflicting ideas, guide challenging client journeys, and make decisions with clarity and integrity.
  • Communicate with power and presence
    Whether you’re leading a healing ceremony, speaking on a panel, or writing about your work, you’ll learn how to articulate your ideas with precision and grace through sitting in session with others on the same path.
  • Create a practice that sustains you emotionally and financially
    We’ll help you map out a business that supports the life you want to live, with tools to attract the right clients, set boundaries, and create long-term success, impact and lasting cultural change. Together we really can make the world a better place. When women thrive, we all thrive.
  • See yourself as the leader you’ve always been
    You’ll shed the imposter syndrome and self-doubt and replace them with grounded confidence that radiates in every interaction.


Jane Hardwicke Collins


The Spiritual Journey of Menopause
Holly Roxanne


Pussy Voice Activation
Alexandra, Origins Pelvic Care


Sacred Physiology and Function of the Pelvis
Elaine Yonge


The Anatomy and Spirit of Women's Pleasure

Why HEARTH? Why Now? 

THIS is the next evolution of women’s healing. And it starts with you.


The HEARTH difference

What sets HEARTH apart is our commitment to depth and integration:

Real-time practice: 
You'll integrate your learning through live practice sessions with peers, where you’ll be held in safe space as you practice holding space for others, you’ll build genuine confidence in seeing people and guiding people through their full humanity — through trauma, through grief, through huge breakthroughs — you’ll experience it all

Full-spectrum support: Our team of experienced mentors who have all completed Hearth themselves are always on hand to guide you through both the technical skills and your own healing journey, bring all of you and experience what it feels like to feel held while you learn how to do the holding

Beyond theory:  Instead of just intellectual frameworks, you'll embody the work through your own transformation, many trainings can teach you what to do, there are very few (if any) that show you, through guided practice, how to do it while you experience the healing on a deep level for yourself. It’s a powerful combination of exploration and integration.

Community integration: Learn in a container that honours both the light and shadow aspects of feminine healing with a small group of coursemates who become just as much witness and guide to your journey as you for theirs — our groups build connections with one another to last a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you Ready?

The work you dream of creating — the impact you long to have — isn’t waiting for you in the future. It’s waiting for you to step into it now.

is your key to creating a practice that transforms lives, a business that thrives, and a legacy that lasts.

  • The recorded HEARTH curriculum, education, tools and practices.
  • 12 months of live teaching and hands-on, guided practice.
  • Bi-weekly 1:1 support calls with a team dedicated to your growth.
  • Live classes to support your development on everything from wealth management and generation to sexuality and how to support deep transformation in others
  • Coaching and mentorship from women who have been through this very curriculum and are already experiencing the benefits in their own businesses and lives.
  • Coaching time with me, every single month (twice a month, for 11 months). I will tell you everything I know that has changed my business and the lives of my clients.
  • Lifetime access to somatic and business resources (including Your Business as BIG As Your Soul Knows it to be and WELLSPRING)
  • A community of women redefining what leadership looks like.



ÂŁ5694/month for 16 months


I choose this



ÂŁ925/month for 12 months


I choose this



I choose this