Vagina Awakening
Online Studio
Are you ready to spread your legs and open up wide into a realm of sacred self-pleasure, sexual healing and spiritual awakening via the power that lives between your thighs?
Join me, Grace Hazel, for this 5-week embodiment experience; where you’ll ignite a relationship with your Vagina that’ll propel your life into orgasmic remembrance of the confidence, pleasure and wholeness you deeply deserve.
I'm ready
Picture this...
You wake up without an alarm and relax into your fresh sheets. Sensually, you place one hand on your vulva, the other on your womb and beam as you slowly breathe; filling up your body with gratitude, pleasure and sexual energy.
Lately, you’ve found yourself singing freely, moving your body sensually, and hanging self-portraits of your vulva around your house.
You’ve carved out space to deeply heal and you’ve become a natural at clearing out the cobwebs of your energy through breast, vulva and vagina massage.
Now, you’re turning heads on the street, confidently sparking up conversations with cool, interesting strangers.
You feel your whole Pussy buzz, as creative projects pop into your vision and effortlessly come into reality.
You know that this is how it’s supposed to be.
This is what happens when you awaken your Vagina.

The Vagina Awakening Online Studio will take you on a deep healing journey that supports you to learn about, heal, and awaken the portals of your Vulva, Vagina, Cervix and Womb.
This is the place where self-pleasure meets sacred healing.
It’s where your sexuality and spirituality weave together as one.
The practices in this program will empower you with lifelong tools which will positively and powerfully influence your relationship to sexuality.
Are you ready to spread your legs open wide and...
- Liberate yourself from the limiting narratives and shame-imprints you hold around your sexuality and body?
- Harness a sacred connection to your Vagina: the kind that has you balling your eyes out with joy and soul-remembrance when you breathe into her?
- Ritualistically heal and awaken your Vagina through touch and massage?
- Embody the ancient codes of manifesting through the power of sexual energy and your womb?

The Vagina Awakening Online Studio is calling YOU in, if…
- Your relationship to your sexuality feels heavily influenced by the media, crappy limiting beliefs and questionable sexual experiences
- Sex is feeling a bit… “bla”; you'd rather just hit play on another episode of Netflix
- You’re feeling numbness or disconnection in your Vagina, but you know you’re capable of experiencing so much more pleasure
- When you close your eyes and breathe into your vagina, there’s a yearning (a sense of pain, or even grief) asking you to finally come home yourself, your magic and power
- You’re experiencing ongoing UTIs, thrush, or other health problems; and you’re ready to heal this from the emotional root
- Penetrative sex can feel uncomfortable - painful, even; you’re ready to break out from this pattern
- Your inspiration and creative juices are in a drought; you’re ready to open up to the rivers of effortless, confident creativity
- You’re in a long-term relationship, and you’re wondering how to reignite the spark between you
- Embracing the magical powers of your Vagina sounds like an absolute dream to you; you’re ready to learn
- You want to feel a deep sense of connection and intimacy with yourself: turned on, sensual and magnetic
- You feel you are carrying emotional and spiritual “baggage” in your Pussy; you’re ready to let go
- You are finally ready to cut cords with past lovers and partners; you’re calling in a relationship that’s deep and soulful
- Sensuality, pleasure and self-lovemaking are distant dreams; you’re ready to prioritise and make these things an effortless ritual
- You know you deserve to feel safe in your body and to express your sexuality; you’re prepared to step out your comfort zone now to experience this
Any of the above sound familiar? Then you’ve arrived at the perfect place.
This is a fantastic time to say YES to building a relationship with your vagina... a relationship that will turn ON every aspect of your life, and blow your mind, body and soul wide open.
But first, here are three reasons why I believe you're feeling disconnected from the potentially unlimited pleasure, wisdom and abundance that lives between your thighs...
#1: Vaginas are magic and society has purposely hidden that information from you
#2: There’s a lot of junk in your trunk (and not in a good way)
#3: Your Vagina has not been treated as a temple
Vagina Awakening Online Studio is an online journey that will guide you into full celebration and reverence for the power between your thighs.
This experience will guide you through deep healing practices that allow you to let go of unhelpful conditioning, and blocks that keep your sexuality squished, your self love restricted, and your pleasure limited.
It will provide you with tools that will support you to access a relationship with your Vagina that feels ancient, innate and just like coming home.

Module one
Pussy Awakening
Learn how to listen to the voice of your Vagina, feel her inner guidance awaken
In this module, you will...
- Connect to your Pussy wisdom through breath, sound & movement
- Create a Vagina Altar that harnesses your intention and devotion for your sexuality
- Learn the Pussy Wind and Pussy Pulsing practices that’ll ignite physical, emotional and spiritual awareness of the power between your thighs
- Choose an empowered name for your Vagina that fills you with JOY
Module two
Your Vulva is a Divine Work of Art
Let go of pain and shame, and come into full celebration for your Vulva’s anatomy
In this module you will…
- Take your knickers off, spread your legs wide, and gaze at your Vulva with pride
- Learn about the magic history of the Vulva
- Celebrate your Vulva’s unique anatomy and explore Vulva diversity
- Lovingly create your Vulva into a work of art
- Explore Vulva massage, through an anatomy and pleasure-focused workshop

Module three
Your Vagina, the TEMPLE
Allow your Vagina to open up through pleasure, healing and honouring
In this module, you will…
- Use Vagina mapping and massage to build emotional, spiritual and physical internal awareness
- Understand and become aware of points of numbness, tension, pain… and learn how to soften and open up these places to sensation and pleasure
- Learn your Vagina’s boundaries and build trust through respecting your Vagina’s requirements for receiving penetration
- Explore your internal pleasure landscape
- Channel love and healing energy into your vagina
Module four
Release, let go, dearmour
Become the priestess of your healing, rawly reclaim your right to sovereign sexuality
In this module, you will…
- Use emotional release for clearing negative beliefs / energetic and emotional blocks
- Awaken your cervix through sound activation
- Learn about the art of Pussy de-armouring
- Embody de-armouring to release past lovers and partners / experiences that are held in your Pussy through a healing, clearing and letting go focused workshop

Module five
The Womb Creatrix
Cultivate your pleasure energy, manifest magic from your womb
In this module. you will…
- Use breast and womb massage to release blocks, and open up to safe, sensual pleasure
- Manifest and magnetise through the power of your sexual energy and womb
- Use the 5 types of touch to activate your sexual energy
- Learn about ancient Womb wisdom

Hey, I’m Grace Hazel
I’ll be guiding you every step of the way during your Vagina Awakening journey. You may already know me as the “Vagina Witch”. Or if not that, you’ll know that I’m obsessed with Vaginas, particularly supporting people to love their own.
But it hasn’t always been that way. Over a decade ago I was...
- Experiencing excruciating pain whenever I had sex
- In hospitals with specialists looking at my vulva, putting me on intense meds to “get rid” of the pain
- Googling “can I have a vagina transplant” whilst crying in agony
- Terrified of sex and intimacy, totally disconnected the voice of my Pussy
That led me to…
- Learn that my body was keeping a score of all the icky past I’d tried to sweep under the rug
- Understand this pain was simply a way for my vagina to get my attention, so I could wake up and heal my relationship to my sexuality, which back then, was far from sacred
- Face my fear and release all the emotional, spiritual and physical armour I held in my vagina
- Study and certify as a practitioner in psychosomatic sexual therapy, spiritual sexual shamanism, vagina healing massage and shamanic womb awakening
- Teach and give vagina massage to 100s of clients, supporting them to release the armour that holds them back from living an intimately connected life
- Guide 1000s of women worldwide to befriend their Pussy and elevate their relationship to their sexuality
What folks have said about their Vagina Awakening experience...
"There have been so many realisations for me, so much to release, I've felt so tapped in. I got my period back this morning, after two years and one month of nothing since coming off the pill. I visualised this at the start of the program."
- Aimee
"While massaging my stomach and pubic bone, I reached a climax. I’ve never been able to climax on my own. It was powerful."
- Amanda
“I’ve developed such a deep connection with my vagina, my sensuality, my feminine and GODessence. I’ve uncovered a lot of trauma and conditioning regarding my body and vagina and I’m healing those wounds. It feels absolutely amazing.”
- Anonymous
“This program has been challenging and also transforming. I feel more liberated, I feel connected to myself and I feel this energy flowing in my vagina and womb that I have never felt before.”
- Anonymous
“I haven't had a period since January. I felt as though this was a level of trauma held in my physical body. Following the initial meditation, I followed Grace's guidance to feel the energy in my body… and I've started my period again!!“
- Rosie
"I feel like a completely different person now that I’ve learned to know and connect with my Vagina. It’s changed my whole life, not just my sex life! I am more confident, I know how to make things happen, I am better at speaking up, honouring and respecting my whole self. Thank you Grace for helping me come out of my cocoon to fully embrace and honour the yummy magic of sexual energy, instead of being afraid of it.
- Anonymous
What you'll receive when you sign up to Vagina Awakening Online Studio:
- 5 x immersive modules
- 5 x video lectures holding the wisdom to guide you each step of your journey
- 5 x studio classes to put the wisdom into embodied practice (imagine these as movement, breathing, sexuality exploration, self pleasure, massage and deep enquiry work... all rolled into one)
- Daily rituals that'll blow your Vagina and mind wide open
- 5 x workbooks, holding journalling questions that'll act like a therapist, opening you into realisations that empower and liberate
- 5 x playlists to take you deep into the body
- A bubbling, supportive community, cheering you on every step of the way (opens on Monday)
- My Vagina Awakening book list, to take your learning deeper
- The power to go at your own pace OR to follow the 5 week journey with the Vagina Awakening community
- Access to the Vagina Awakening Online Studio content for 12 months
What do you say honey?
Are you joining us?
This is the very last opportunity to enrol on this program, as after this launch it's being removed from my offerings to make space for something new!
SIGN ME UPHere's how to know you're a good fit...
- You are an intuitively led, deep feeler - who despite being in the world of spirituality for a while, is still looking for a connection between spirit and sex that feels soulful and real
- You are not afraid to look closely at what’s not working in your current relationship to sexuality and you’re ready let go of things that are creating stagnation in order to transform
- You want to actively participate in a movement and online community that learns, grows, expands and embraces their sexuality alongside one another
- You are prepared to join a safe and intimate space, step outside of your comfort zone, and get vulnerable and empowered, so that you can do things such as: embodied movement, vulva gazing and self vaginal massage
- You’re willing to actively participate with the group; knowing that engagement will amplify not merely the content you invest in and explore, but the potency of the experience we create as a community
- Self-responsibility is your way (you’re done with blame and you outgrew victimhood years ago)
- You have a support system around you, are emotionally resourced and there is the pillar of a deep friendship/relationship/therapist or partner who can hold you, should you need a hand to hold
- You know that investing your beautiful money into coaches and programs that will inspire, empower and elevate you brings growth in more ways than one to your life - hitting “pay” on this program will already get you feeling the expansion coming your way
- You want your spirituality to connect to your sexuality. You want your sexuality to ignite your creativity. You crave a life of pleasure and freedom, so you are willing to perservere through resistance (again and again) via this program to bravely reach your goals and intentions
Here's how to know if this program IS NOT a match for you right now...
- You’re prone to passively consuming content, rather than engaging with it: flipping open your laptop to watch a recording of a group training, while chewing on your dinner, toggling between screens and then taking zero action is not going to lead to the results that you want
- You won't be happy about doing activities such as movement, self touch, vulva gazing and vaginal massage (note these practices will be done in the privacy of your own home)
- You have past sexual trauma which you have never addressed in depth with a trained therapist (note that a group program such as Vagina Awakening will not provide the 1-1 safe space that a trauma-informed therapist can provide)
- You have a tendency to blame, or regularly project your feelings onto other people, you make excuses and pull out of courses of programs at the sign of a challenge
- You’re practical in your approach to life, you don’t believe in energy, or a higher consciousness such as spirit, the universe, or god
- You need an abundance of worksheets and checklists and 1-2-3 steps to feel as though you’re growing or receiving value. Whilst this program is guided and holds structure for you to feel safe, your Pussy cannot be accessed from the head, your intuition is what guides you there
So what do you say?
By now, the only thing standing between you and a spiritual relationship with your vagina (the type that provides an intuitive compass to lead your soul-led, pleasure-focused life) is to say YES.
So if you’re ready: I look forward to holding space for you for over the next 5 weeks, as you commit to awakening your Vagina, getting turned on by life and activating the creativity and magnetism that lives between your thighs.
I'm ready for this!