The HEARTH Psycho-Somatic-Sexuality 1-1 journey

Break through the limiting patterns, conditioning, emotions and energy that keeps you stuck around your sexuality. Move past contraction and from living life disconnected from your eros and confidence, into a life that flows, that is abundant, where you feel exquisitely “turned on”.


In this 1-1 journey with Grace, you will be led to truly inhabit your whole body through somatic and spiritual awareness. This provides access to the multidimensional, wise and ancient parts of you. I will support you to feel safe and juicy in your flesh, blood and bones. Through this, you will become outrageously attuned to your erotic nature, sexual freedom and full-body pleasure



What people are saying about working with Grace 1-1...

After years of feeling disconnected from myself and others, Grace lifted so much shame and pain from my shoulders. I now feel so light, playful and excited about intimacy, sex and connection. These last 6 months have been a massive journey of self-discovery, and I have never felt more strong, powerful, free and grounded as I do today. Grace has given me the tools to find myself over and over again, and I am eternally grateful.” - Nikki 

“The place I was in with my attitudes towards sex at the beginning of working with Grace compared to at the end was mind-blowing. Grace gave me some unique and eye-opening tools to understand my sexual history and deepen my connection to self-pleasure, and 6 weeks I'd forgotten the shame debris I'd gathered from the impact of my last relationship and returned to my sexually curious self.” - Tania 

“Working with Grace really helped me to tap into some deep stuff that I’d been pushing away for years. Grace holds impeccable space and made me feel comfortable and safe from start to finish. I experienced powerful emotional releases and received guidance that really helped me to move forward in my life and away from stuck and frustrating patterns around sex, confidence, body image and much more.” - Anonymous

In this 3 or 6 month journey, we will focus on something specific that is coming up for you around your sexual vitality


This could include (but is not limited to):
  • Overcoming sexual disconnection and coming home to your body as sensual, sacred and turned on
  • Understanding and overcoming painful sex / penetration 
  • Support with fertility issues 
  • Working on healing from any symptoms of dis-ease which is physically chronic in your Pelvic Bowl, such as endometriosis, PCOS, thrush, BV, etc 
  • Reconnecting to your menstrual cycle and bringing your bleed back into your life 
  • Healing from life events such as baby loss (miscarriage)
  • Processing and healing from the emotional and spiritual impact of abortion
  • Overcoming numbness and Increasing your pleasure potential 
  • Coming back to your pleasure, desire and turn-on as Mother (accounting for the huge physical, psychological, energetic and emotional changes that this rite of passage involves)
  • Healing and integrating from past trauma, negative sexual experiences, heartbreak and sexual pain
  • Enhancing your radiance and sexual confidence
  • Harnessing your sexual desire and feeling effortlessly turned on 
  • Releasing pain, shame and grief from your womb, cervix, vagina, vulva and breasts
  • Re-igniting intimacy with your partner 
  • Embodying boundaries and consent; learning to stand in your power 
  • Connecting to your intuition, psychic nature and energy body 
  • Attracting and holding respectful relationships which are deeply fulfilling and beautifully orgasmic 
Book a discovery call

Session Format


Each session is 60 mins and will include (but is not limited to) a mixture of talk therapy (which will allow us to spot your internalised stories about sex / pleasure) and somatic-based therapy (which involves breathing, movement, touch, emotional expression and will get you into your body, dissolving armour, and increasing your pleasure potential), sexuality coaching, empowering reflections on your blind spots, and guidance steps to get you to your biggest, most “gasp” worthy vision.


I will provide you with homeplay after each session, which will support you to implement and integrate what has come up for you in sessions, and allow you to move closer towards your vision / goal. The idea here is that after our time together, you have received a big toolbox of rituals and habits that organically gives you access to a sustainable, lifetime worth of sexual connection and erotic fulfilment


“Working with Grace really shifted my perspective. I was at a frustrating end with relationships and letting anyone in was a painful process. Grace allowed space for me to be vulnerable which allowed me in turn to really tune into the judgements I had placed on myself, and be able to let them go. I can now safely say that I'm ok with showing exactly who I am, even the "bad parts" are now the best parts. This was revolutionary to me, for relationships, sex and loving myself. I cannot thank you enough" - Bella


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Your 1-1 Investment Options

(note that with both the below options, you will receive for free The Vagina Awakening Online Studio and Well and Whole Pelvic Bowl (together valued at £655).

3 months

£1,200 per month

(or pay in full £3,500)

  • 6 x 75min fortnightly Zoom sessions 

  •  Bespoke homeplay after every session

  •  Audio / text Voxer check in’s on your “off week” (to support you with any questions you may have that will allow you to embody your homeplay practices)

    (note: if you wish to save money, choose the pay in full option of £3,500 by clicking here.)


6 months

£1,100 per month

(or pay in full £6,000)

  • 12 x 75min fortnightly Zoom sessions 

  •  Bespoke homeplay after every session 

  •  Audio / text Voxer check in’s on your “off week” (to support you with any questions you may have that will allow you to embody your homeplay practices)

    (note: if you wish to save money, choose the pay in full option of £6,000 by clicking here.)


“Grace was so tuned in to me from the word go. She was relaxed and funny and put me at ease straight away. She created a dialogue about such a personal issue that I was feeling a lot of vulnerability around and gave me language to talk about what I wa s experiencing. Grace allowed me to explore feelings and emotions from my past without getting too intellectual, it felt very intuitive, immediate and efficient. My vulva pain has now gone as a result of working with Grace.- Camilla

Is the HEARTH Psycho-Somatic-Sexuality 1-1 Journey for you?


YES if you resonate with one or more of the below statements:


  • You are not afraid to look closely at what’s not working in your current relationship to your sexuality and you’re ready to let go of things that are creating stagnation in order to transform
  • Self-responsibility is your way (you’re excited for growth and are up for implementing changes in the name of your growth, radiance and intimate fulfilment)
  • You crave a life of pleasure and freedom, so you are willing to persevere through sticky stuff and resistance (again and again) via this journey to bravely reach your goals and intentions


Are you ready? 

Want to know more about your guide for this journey? 

“Grace makes the most intimate, deep healing session feel so safe and protected. I was called to work with Grace because my soul was ready to release some deep, repressed shame and guilt (around my sexuality). Grace works in a very shamanic, spiritual way, I find myself in completely other dimensions and memories in the presence of her healings”  - Chelsea 

Grace Hazel is a toddler mother and the creatrix of HEARTH Practitioner Training. She has been at the forefront of women’s healing for over a decade and has studied multiple modalities in the fields of psycho-somatic-sexual therapy, holistic pelvic care, shamanic sexual temple arts, ancient womb wisdom, and hands-on healing massage of the Pelvic Bowl.

Over the years, Grace has guided thousands of women to connect with the power between their thighs through retreats, workshops, 1-1s, online journeys and her podcast Conversations with Pussy. 

She is recognised as a thought leader in the field of women's healing and sexuality and has had her work featured in Vice, Grazia, Women’s Health Magazine, Balance Magazine, and Dose Magazine. She is regularly invited to speak on women's sexuality for numerous panels and podcasts. Grace’s personal healing journey has seen her work extensively with the healing modalities of sexuality, somatic therapy and plant medicine via the facilitation of indigenous shamanic wisdom keepers. These journeys have greatly influenced the way she brings forth devotional medicine spaces for her clients' journeys.

Grace works holds trauma-informed spaces, with the systems and safety of holistic science and the nervous system and weaves this together with the priestess wisdom that is channelled through her.

She embodies a grounded, earthy, sometimes humourous and authentic approach to bringing this work to life and wishes to support you to feel confident, empowered and excited to be a women who is vibrant in her sexuality and whole within.

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